The judges have completed the shortlisting process for the project categories, and voting for the [d]arc awards is set to open on Friday 7 March.
All eligible designers that participate by voting in all 13 categories will qualify for a free ticket to the special 10th anniversary [d]arc night, the awards party on Thursday 24 April at Fireworks Factory / Woolwich Works where we will announce the winners.
Who is eligible to vote
• Only independent lighting designers, light artists, interior designers, architects and product designers are eligible to vote (no members of the public and no suppliers of any sort including manufacturers or distributors who provide a lighting design service). For the purposes of [d]arc awards, if you are a designer that works for a lighting manufacturer you are not classed as independent and are therefore ineligible for a free ticket and to take part in the voting.
• Registration to vote will only be accepted from bona fide company email addresses where possible (no generic email addresses, eg, info@ etc; no gmail / yahoo etc).
How To Vote
•View the entries on the [d]arc awards website and choose your favourite schemes and products before heading to the specifically designed voting platform where you can cast your votes.
• One vote per category – you simply vote in each of the 13 categories by clicking on the category and then your chosen project/product using the heart symbol.
• You must vote in every category for the votes to count and to qualify for a complimentary ticket to the awards party (tickets are non-transferrable).
• All votes are saved immediately and no confirmation is provided (this allows you to dip in and out of the process whilst also allowing you to change your votes right up to the deadline).
• After completing 13 votes you should see ‘Your maximum number of votes has been reached’ on top left of the page.
• We will contact you once your votes have been verified and the voting period has ended, if you have requested a ticket to the awards party.
Voting Deadline
• Voting closes on Friday 28 March (23:59 GMT)
When Will The Winners Be Announced?
• All winners will be revealed at [d]arc night the awards party scheduled to take place on Thursday 24 April at Fireworks Factory / Woolwich Works in London.
If you are a manufacturer/supplier and would like to attend the awards party or have any questions please contact Mo Naeem –