Nestled deep in the countryside of the UK, a bespoke NGA lightbox illuminates Keston Park Area….

This private swimming pool, in the prestigious Keston park area of Kent, was transformed by the No Grey Area bespoke lightbox range. Shaped in a teardrop, the delicate design is a deserving winner of the bespoke art award.

The teardrop mirrored the circumference of the pool, stretching to 5.5m wide at its widest point to create a seamless finish. No Grey Area supplied and manufactured 30m2 of translucent stretch fabric with a clear layer for humidity prevention and 250m2 of RGBW fusion flex linear LED. After the installation of the lightbox, the client opted to add 100m2 of satin stretch fabric to the surrounding areas, completing the simple yet sleek design that showcases the impactful nature of lighting.

The teardrop lightbox serves as a functional and aesthetic piece of art, exemplifying how lighting can function as an artform in its own right. The combination of all these elements in this project make it a perfect example of how lighting can be used to enhance a space in both form and function.

This pool is a clear demonstration of No Grey Area’s commitment to both practicality and beauty. The sophistication of this design serves as a powerful reminder of the ways in which lighting can capture a space and make it shine.

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