Passalacqua is an opulent 18th-century aristocrats’ home on the shores of Lake Como that has been transformed into a unique hotel. Its 24 characterful guest accommodations are spread across three magnificently restored edifices, surrounded by seven acres of landscaped gardens that descend to a private jetty.

The client asked us to make their guests feel at home. we worked on the façade, in the beautiful garden, in the swimming pool area, and also inside. we imagined that the light from the façade should recall the warm, soft light of the candles inside the old buildings, as well as the light that filters from the rooms. we therefore studied a dedicated asymmetrical satin optics and on the ground floor, with the property, we worked with lanterns, exactly as was done in the buildings of the time. the accent, however, is given by the enhancement of the greenery and flower. with a daily work with landscaper we have underlined the entire garden, a unique and magical place from which you can enjoy the wonderful lake Como.

The lighting design underline, with silence, the beauty of the past, with new technology, always hide. facade 2700K, garden 3000K. the final result is a magic, elegant, unique space, that also in the night take the client to the experience of Italian Como lake.

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