One hundred years ago, in September 2021, the Swedish Parliament decided to introduce universal and equal suffrage. The reform was carried out following a long struggle and intensive advocacy efforts and is regarded as a milestone in the history of Swedish democracy. After the election five women were elected as representatives.

To celebrate the centenary Light Bureau illuminated the façade of the historic Parliament building in central Stockholm with a temporary light installation. Taking place during 5 days in January 2021, the dynamic lighting event ran on a 6-minute loop starting with a soft white light to highlight the statues above the main entrance. It then cycles through several colour-changing scenes, including colours of each Nordic flag, and finally slowly fades back into darkness. The lighting event both celebrated the leap forward in democracy brought by equal voting rights, as well as emphasized the beauty of the building that for Swedes represents parliamentary democracy.

The building was illuminated with RGBW floodlights installed behind the columns which gives depth to the main façade facing Stockholm’s waterfront. The colour-changing fittings were complemented with additional spotlights with white light mounted on trusses on the opposite of the building. These luminaires were used to accentuate the intricate details of the façade such as the statue of “Mother Svea” – the symbol of Sweden. The resulting installation was an elegant homage to democracy and universal suffrage.

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