CODEGA presents Serena, a collection of unusual indoor lamps. Serena lamps express the Italian stylistic tradition with a hi-tech heart, with the aim of positively influencing human biorhythms while sanitizing the environment.

Serena lamps take care of people’s well-being, combining the function of gradual and natural lighting with that of indoor spaces protection and health. In fact, Serena is multipurpose lamp designed not only to illuminate, but above all to take care of people.
Serena lamp comes from an intense research path, conducted together with professional lighting designer such Francesco Iannone e Serena Tellini. By recreating the progressive variation of natural light in indoor environments, Serena lamps make light a source of well-being. Taking advantage of the proven disinfectant and germicidal properties of UVC rays, Serena lamps sanitize surfaces by removing germs, bacteria, and viruses as Coronavirus.

Serena lamps have a retro charm: they have reassuring shapes that formally draw on our collective imagination, which takes us from the post-war rubble to the rebirth of the 1950s, today in the post-pandemic time. Not only the shapes, but also the colours and refined details recall the past. They seem to come directly from Ernest Hemingway’s living room, today into contemporary environments.

Serena lamps are designed according to the principles of neuroesthetics, the scientific discipline that explores the correlation between visual stimuli and neuronal responses.
Their proportions, for this reason, are no longer traditional: are no longer wall and table lamps, they are lamps for reading and relaxation, they are Human-centric lamps. Furthermore, the technology makes it possible to define scenographies through light, to help people work better, live better.

Optical components
White light complex: primary lens in bispheric lenticular with medium anti-glare diffusion. Optical components with power Led White 2800-6000 Kelvin scale. Controls for handling in Tunable White with touch on the shell for progressive compression. On-board touch dimming for compression or with dedicated App. Edge of the optics cover in colouring for chromatic conversion of warm and cold tones.

Sanitization complex: medium diffusing aluminium parabola for roto-symmetrical optical flow for LEDs in ultraviolet monochromatic emission. Parabola control with double safety and blue LED to warn of the start of surface sanitation. Safety sensor with block of the sanitizing processes for possible interference. Automatic restore.

Circadian Cycle Process: a succession of sets with colour / intensity change in subliminal mode to follow human functions in adherence to Human Centric Lighting. The luminous circadian cycle proceeds automatically. On-board interruption system for customized adaptive lighting. The Serena lamps can automatically follow temporary paths by changing the dominant colours of the light emitted. Natural light is always dynamic it passes through time, latitude and weather situation

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