The task was to develop a comprehensive and coordinated lighting design for the baroque styled Residential Palace of Rastatt. Experience has shown that the night-time appearance of a building is completely different from its daytime appearance. Coherent light of the appropriate quality ensures that the palace can be experienced even after dusk. The task of artificial light is to emphasize and bring out the characteristic features that can be felt during the day. Qualities of architecture should also remain perceptible at night.

The Main Building

The three-storey main facade with attached attic storey received a warm white illumination via recessed floor lights. In order to minimize the shadows cast by the cornices, some of which protrude strongly, a combination of lighting close to and far from the façade was used. In addition to the two vertical planes of the recessed floor lights, there are additional spotlights that were mounted hidden on the facades of the side wings.

The central risalit is illuminated by surface-mounted luminaires from the balcony. In addition, the central gable is brightened up. The columns below the balcony are emphasized.

The towering copper roofs provide a contrast in cold white light. The angel figures above the entrance portal and the figures on the spires of the tower provide warm accents.

The Wing Buildings

The two-story side facades shine in warm white light via recessed floor luminaires close to the facade. The upper floor is illuminated by surface-mounted luminaires on the terrace from the balustrade. In the arcade corridors, the existing lighting remained in neutral white. Analogous to the entrance portal of the main façade, the exits to the terrace are also emphasized.

Additional Lighting

In addition to the already mentioned figures on the main building, the two statues are staged flanking the driveway. The two pyramid-shaped structures on the courtyard terrace received a lightening. The four flags on the side risalites of the wing buildings form an upper conclusion and support the long-distance effect of the building ensemble.

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