The theme for LewesLight 2020 was water, the moon and the environment.

Remembering Our Place addresses each element to embody a multi-layered meaning of its own which is conveyed through the mediums of physical art, poem, sound, and most predominately – light.

UV lights, water effect projectors and image spots were used to illuminate the scene as simply as possible whilst achieving a visual impact that is vivid and memorable.

The piece was born from the intention to create a positive narrative for humankind. It is a story told in the future from the perspective of humanity looking back at how we saved the Earth, and ultimately ourselves.

It reminds us of our place within the environment. Our place on the Earth, our place amongst all things, the place we call home, and our place within ourselves.

All of these elements combine, to immerse the audience in an attempt to connect on a personal level. A remembrance of our innate connection, and relationship with the moon, and with the water that forms and surrounds us.

It is then clear, humans have an intrinsic connection to the environment as a whole. However we have cast a growing shadow over it in many ways. But with shadow comes light, the shine, seen in our reflection shows us the power of choice we hold within. It reminds us that we hold the Earth’s fate in our hands.

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