The Reizen is a contemporary, indirect asymmetric luminaire that uses the latest in light shaping prismatic technology for sophisticated high ceiling spaces. Offering smooth, uniform asymmetric distribution, the Reizen perfectly illuminates high ceiling spaces to emphasize its spatial structure. A directional aiming of +/- 20° is standard in all Reizen configurations, offering flexibility in the field to adjust the direction of light.

It is available in both wall and pendant forms, and is rated for both outdoor and swimming pool use. It has a very compact form factor relative to its output which is up to 40,850 lm with 136 lm/w.

For indoor applications, the Reizen is also available in 3000K – 5000K Tunable White, delivering 11,750 lm to 13,900 lm, and W+RGB with a combined delivered lumen of 11,265 lm. Giving a subtle, yet dramatic flair to a space.

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