IMG-01, IMG-02, IMG-03 – The inspiration for this cruise ship terminal was the image of two ships passing in the night. Chosen with the Terminal’s prime audience (tens-of-thousands of daily commuters on the adjacent causeway) in mind, the terminal’s Arrival Hall and Parking Structure appear to cross paths as they drive by. In the evening, this concept comes to life with lighting that artfully showcases the building’s bold, geometric forms and subtle storytelling.

IMG-04 -Tasked with illuminating the terminal’s exterior, the lighting team immediately noticed how impactful the interior would be on the exterior’s visual composition, due to a large-scale light art installation visible through over 30,000sf of glazing. They convinced their client to add the interior to their scope and collaborated with the light artist to create a cohesive, hour-long lighting display, visible along the causeway each night beginning at 6pm, after the cruise ships has departed.

IMG-05 – The team began by defining the Terminal at the water’s edge with a 1,100ft white LED light line, surface-mounted into a leave-out within the concrete seawall, deep enough to protect fixtures from docking ships, but reachable for maintenance.

IMG-06 – Due to voltage drop, power supplies needed to be in nearby, water-tight enclosures within aircraft-rated in-grade vaults designed to withstand the abuse from forklifts and trucks on the apron.

IMG-07 – 142 LED surface-mounted RGBW floodlights illuminate the terminal’s exterior ranging between 10° and 60° beam-angles. Additionally, 835ft of color-changing linear LEDs mounted to the building’s crown, graze down to punctuate the terminal’s strong geometric forms.

IMG-08 – The team worked with the interior light artist to integrate his installation with architectural lighting, emphasizing the size and scale of the building interior. 110 floodlights mounted to the 2nd and 3rd floor ceilings work to illuminate interior vertical surfaces, serving as a visual backdrop to the sparkling artwork.

IMG-09 – For special events such as “Carnival”, the terminal displays unique color compositions, always with visual contrast between the buildings. A custom control system interface allows these special events to be easily triggered or scheduled.

VIDEO – But on most nights, the client’s signature blue and white are displayed through 14 compositions that subtly crossfade from one to the other. Each evoking the feeling of two ships passing in the night.

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