The annual Nordic Business Forum is a world-class business conference held in Helsinki that gathers together business leaders, renowned experts and top thinkers to share ideas and build connections. The visitors of Nordic Business Forum benefit from educational lectures by the world’s foremost business experts and get to network with high-level international attendees. This year, Nordic Business Forum was organized at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre in October and gathered over 7000 international attendees from 50+ countries.

Several halls of the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre were being transformed into an atmospheric high-end business forum arena for the prestigious 2-day business conference.

“We want our attendees to be able to fully focus on themselves and the inspiration, knowledge and networks – we take care of the rest and make sure the visitors get an experience to remember. As a high-profile event aimed for international top-leaders we feel quality, visual identity and the finishing touch are of importance to us in each sector. The Secto Design lamps represent all these important qualities and were chosen to illuminate Nordic Business Forum for those exact attributes. The event is highly international, and we have chosen our visual and brand identity to be Nordic, and that is where we feel the Secto Design lamps became a great match”, explained Miika Riikonen, the Senior Event Producer who was in charge of the lighting planning of the Nordic Business Forum 2023.

“In addition to the Nordic design that the Secto Design lamps represent, we also value the fact they are manufactured in Finland. We are proud for the fact that we can co-operate with a company that provides work locally here in Finland. In addition, we wanted to bring the exoticism of the Finnish nature and some warmth to the alone so dreary fair halls and by choosing the Secto lamps it was possible to accomplish this fully. With Secto Design lamps we were able to create the kind of ambiance where people feel like gathering around each others and create mingling groups, but also feel comfortable to sit in peace privately and digest the experienced presentations. Space planning plays an important role in building a successful customer experience. The importance of it is even bigger in a huge big conference centre like this that needs to be transformed into multifunctional spaces for both intro- and extroverts to absorb the presentations in a calming ambience”, comments Riikonen the reasons behind the selection of Secto Design lamps. “It was easy to set the right mood with the Secto Design lamps thanks to the versatility of the 29 different models that share the same unique visual language.”

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