Our newGROWTH collection of modern rustic light fixtures continues to expand. Our newest additions to the line includes the Sprout and Branch Outdoor collection of landscape lighting. Each item in this line is hand fabricated in our studio to meet our client’s needs. Sprout fixtures are curvalinear branch forms to with 4.3w 12v LED modules capped with 1.25″ x 7″ lenses at the tips of the branches. The Branch path lights are more recelitear interpretations of nature with waterproof 12v LED strips embedded within the horizontal branches of each fixture. Sprout are generally intended to be low landscape lights but are also available in custom tall sizes too. Branch can be specified any size from two feet tall to 7.5 feet for illuminating pathways. The fixtures can be specified with our with out mounting flanges for bolt down and concrete embedded installation or simply to slip over stakes. We offer a wide range of standard powder finishes or custom “bark”, a multicoloured layering of auto paints that is distressed in our studio for a truly unique look in the landscape.

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