Super-deep recess, ultra-low glare, almost eliminates direct and indirect glare.

This is achieved by the latest cross-over beam, allowing full light output even when tilted.

Made with our unique Carbolite 1 – 100% European raw material achieving a dramatic 95% reduction in embodied carbon.


Most lighting products use raw materials which are processed using coal-fire power.

This means than these products have a very high imported embodied carbon, whether or not the product is processed further or assembled in the UK.

Carbolite 1, is Orluna’s new recycled raw material which is 100% sourced and processed in Europe, using 100% renewable energy. 100% secondary processing (eg extruding) of the component part then takes place in the UK using renewable power. This leads to a dramatic 95% reduction in embodied carbon. Fully documented with TUV certification. Another big step towards a circular society.

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