MasterConnect is a simple, scalable lighting control system based on a three tier model:

• Tier 1 is stand alone with wireless switch controls
• Tier 2 offers sensor based controls (using PIR and optional daylight harvesting) to maximise energy savings
• Tier 3 allows gateway integration for remote monitoring and scheduling with future options for expansion into IoT networks.

Basic building blocks of the ecosystem are wireless enabled LED drivers and remote (battery operated) sensors or Sensor Ready drivers with small form factor sensors suitable for integration into the light fitting. The addition of wireless switches allows physical control of the light fitting additionally there’s a free app giving the end user basic switch, dim and scene selection features. Connectivity at Tiers 1 and 2 doesn’t require networking skills or access to the IT infrastructure on site.

The ability to start with a very small lighting control system means initial costs can be kept low, installation is quick and easy with no need for skilled commissioning engineers.

MasterConnect is based on open standards, Zigbee and Bluetooth.

It’s highly scalable but you can start with something as simple as a light fitting with a wireless enabled driver combined with a wireless switch allowing on/off, dim and scene selection. Additional light fittings can quickly and easily be added to the network and grouped with sensors and additional switches to increase automation, lighting control points and to reduce energy consumption. Additional PIR sensors or PIR with daylight harvesting can be added at a later date.

QR access codes can be generated by authorised individuals and allow end users to adjust selected light fittings to their preferred light levels and colour temperatures. Torch based commissioning allows a unique point and trigger procedure for simple, intuitive commissioning of fixture based sensors.

The lighting network doesn’t need access to WiFi (for Tiers 1 and 2) thereby ensuring there are no security risks to site IT infrastructure or added management tasks for the IT team.

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