The project is to share a meaningful connection between humans and nature within architectural, cultural, and natural mixed environment. We appreciate the scenes created by combination of direct or diffused daylights and shadows that generate senses of time and visual changes in textures. Inspired by solar movement that dresses space up differently with various ambiances, these features were tried to implement to both architectural and natural objects with artificial lighting. Not only lit the pieces, features of shadow allow visitors to reinterpret the original characteristic of objects.

Lighting orchestrates a harmonious combination by controlling of light intensity and density – it changes atmosphere and physical characteristic of the objects and the space per different lighting setup. The density of outdoor lighting was strategically planned. The objet staircase is the only area where the most abundant amount of light applied to deiliver to visitors a messege that your journey begins here following the stairs and maps out paths toward the main area. Landscape lighting was to blended into greens that surrounds the main museum building.

When the visitors enter the indoor gallery, they perceive an interaction between art pieces and lighting embroidering calm white space with different intensity and colors of shadows. As an extension of this shadow embroidery, the time preset lighting with changing CCT, implementing the daylight, for the focal artwork becomeing art itself on the top of the real art piece. This methodology simultaneously enhances the space and preserve the integrity of artworks as well as highlighting them. Changing color temperature serves a decorative function to this traditional museum interior space. Not excessive, but harmonized with the surrounding.

The desired effect depends on the interpretation of each individual’s moments and how one balances sensory and emotional involvements with the space. With these experiences, the lighting context expects to modify visitors’ sensation and perception about ordinary objects and sequences. It even may lead one to reflect on their inner selves and give thought to the essence of the universe.

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