Conceived by the HKTB and running from 1-31 July 2022, Hong Kong Harbour Fiesta was designed to leverage the 25th anniversary of the HKSAR to convey both the ‘normalcy’ and the striking uniqueness of the city to international audiences while bringing new excitement to summertime. International tourists would be primed for future visits, while Hong Kong residents would be compelled to look at their city in a fresh way.

To accomplish this task, the month-long event would capitalise heavily on Hong Kong’s most iconic natural asset – Victoria Harbour – with a spectacular show of lights and music designed to stir an emotional response in local and remote audience members alike.

The nightly show aimed to associate the anniversary and Hong Kong itself with inspirational themes and messages such as ‘A New Era: Stability, Prosperity and Opportunity’ and ‘Discovering Tomorrow’. These were expressed through general design themes of rhythm, symbolism and connection, as exemplified by a Symphony of Lights (SOL) soundtrack synchronised with lighting effects which ‘brought to life’ the harbour, the skyline and other iconic landmarks.

Audiences outside the range of broadcast could listen to SOL using a mobile app developed by the Tourism Commission. The light show was also designed to immerse audiences in its own ‘visual rhythm’ absent of musical accompaniment.

The light show comprised the following elements:

– Symphony of Lights (SOL) interactive lights installed at 40+ prominent buildings and attractions around the harbour.
– 19 synchronised LED screens for celebratory messages and animations. Screens at the Immigration and Revenue Towers displayed continuous synchronised animations.
– Dancing lights at Avenue of Stars, Central Pier No 4-6, Wan Chai Temporary Promenade, Water Sports and Recreation Precinct at Wan Chai Harbourfront, Ocean Terminal, Hong Kong Palace Museum.
– Wash lights at Central Government Offices and Legislative Council Complex.
– Moving lights on Star Ferry.

Beam light and façade wash lighting colours – predominantly purple, blue and green – were selected for maximum visibility in all conditions. LED screen display colours – red, orange, yellow and others – were meanwhile chosen for high contrast and to harmonise with the 25th anniversary logo.

Awareness was cultivated in advance via social media, an event page and highlight video, and by press release three days prior to the event. The HKTB website featured the event page through July and the video until the end of January 2023, extending engagement beyond the event itself.

Ultimately the event exceeded all planned KPIs, including:

– 600+ pieces of press coverage, including publicity from local and mainland television channels such as TVB and CCTV, plus overseas online media coverage with a total publicity value of over HK$16 million.
– Maximised international reach of over 14.5 million through special creative and diversified channels.
– Overall satisfaction score of 7.6 out of a possible 10.
– 89% local residents perceived Hong Kong as Asia’s events capital.
– 93% of respondents likely to attend event again.
– High level of local and global awareness: over 720,000 page views on campaign site, overachieving KPIs by 80%.

Supplier Partners

Lighting Designer Partners

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