
Vanke Future City project is located in the northern city of Shenyang. The project is a sales centre for a mixed use development with a modern futuristic appeal.


The architectural design of the main building is a series of layered fins wrapping around the oval shaped sales centre. The landscape included interactive lighting art installations and a large open plaza with in ground linear light fixtures. Trees were uplit and the organic shaped planters were highlighted with concealed cove lighting. The façade concept was based on ideas of waves travelling around the building layering on top of each other. The lighting for the smaller show flat sales building was also


To achieve the wave effect a series of recessed spotlights were mounted in the top and bottom of a small extrusion which was recessed into the front of the main fin, so that the spotlights would was up and down the main fin. 3 layers of lights were used in the main body of the façade following a gentle wave form all slightly different to each other to give a dynamic feel to the façade. The biggest challenge was the project schedule. The deadline from drawing stage to competition was 2 weeks which meant the RDI team had to create the desired effect using readily available light fixtures and develop a simple and fast installation method, including simple cabling and routing.
Eventually the client site team managed to keep to the tight deadline and the project was complete on time, amazingly!

Supplier Partners

Lighting Designer Partners

Trophies created by

Street Food Sponsor

Popcorn Sponsor

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