The Electrification project covers an important part of the history of the industrial and cultural development of the USSR – the theme of light strongly influenced the Soviet avant-garde: visual arts, cinema, architecture, music, theater, literature and design, which gave a great impetus to the adoption of electric light by ordinary people.

The exhibition space has turned into a total audio and light installation, which was made by video artist, director, architect and set designer Dina Karaman for the Museum of Moscow. It is divided into several zones – “Light”, “Current”, “Stations”, “Lines”, “City”, each of which tells about how electrification in its various manifestations was reflected in art and literature. Between the zones there are “towers” ​​dedicated to individual electrifiers – Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, Alexander Winter, Heinrich Graftio, Robert Klasson.

Light guides us through the exposition using overhead lines – these are both power lines and a line of technological development. The cloud of light flickers, breathes, buzzes, and also changes color temperature from 2200K to 8000K from the beginning to the end of the exposure, thereby symbolizing the path from a candle to modern bright and cold electric light.

The entire exhibition light is made in low illumination (up to 50 lux according to the standards) and is blurred as much as possible so as not to distract the observer from studying the exhibits. Also, all technical lighting fixtures were hidden with anti-glare accessories so that they could not be found against the background of the pendant installation.

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