The inspiration for our captivating harbour service pedestal comes from peculiar marine invertebrates, corals. The unusual form allows us to create many different configurations. Multiple service hatches and power outlets can be mounted – depending on the requirements.
The body of the service pedestal is made from durable polyethylene plastic and is semi-transparent to light. The latter allows us to turn this piece of functional hardware into a lighting fixture that adds aesthetic and sculptural value to the environment.
The branches of the coral are used as mounting points for power outlets, hatches and water taps. Up to six different power outlets can be mounted on a single service pedestal. The body and the electronic components are mounted on a central aluminium frame and the hatches allow for a quick access – in order to service electronic components or change the LED bulbs. The water supply system is separated from the electronics through autonomous enclosed space, which ensures intactness and safeness in case of water leakages.
The process of creating Coral started with an approach of a design-conscious client who wanted to have an interesting, playful, innovative but technically functional and competitive power pedestal, which would be an alternative to an ordinary and well-known metal service post. Our first order for Kakumäe Harbour in Estonia included 105 pieces of Coral which instantly enabled us to exploit the design capability and create an alley with lighting sculptures that brought out the peculiarity of Coral. Our main goal was to differentiate ourselves from the market-dominating and dull-designed galvanized metal-box power pedestals and create something that would be sound from both engineering and aesthetical side. Due to the material capability to be semi-transparent to light, we have designed a product that is technologically innovative and visually fresh and aesthetically enjoyable during the day and night. Moreover, the body of the power pedestal is resistant to UV-light, to extreme weather conditions and durable against vandalism. In regards to Coral’s core, we can say with confidence that the technical solution provides a wide range of different functions. Coral enables to employ all the necessary electrical and water connections for harbour docks. As an addition, it is possible to install remote controlling and measuring systems for water and electricity, which allows harbours to track consumption and bill for actual usage. Furthermore, the body of Coral has enough space to install WiFi-modules for the harbour. When designing Coral’s interior aluminium frame, we paid attention to creating smart engineering solutions which would simplify the installation and assembly of Corals and that would ensure the reliability and safety when exploiting the pedestal.

That being said, we believe Coral has a great potential to expand from being a harbour installation to also being an electric car charging station.
On 14th of September 2018, the same product Coral won the most prestigious Estonian Design Award (called BRUNO) competition in the category of the Best Engineering Product. Furthermore, in connection with the same competition, Coral got a third place as public’s favourite design.

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