Agora Modiano is a is an architectural monument that was originally designed by Eli Modiano. The renovation of Agora Modiano was commissioned to the Architectural Design studio SPARCH.

The lighting design of Agora Modiano, a monument that is inextricably linked with the concept of time, follows the principles of lighting Monuments and Historic Buildings.

Our main concern was, following the intention of the architect Mr. Morfos Papanikolaou, to keep the character of the building as unchanged as possible. Not to be “injured” by the lighting bodies, the shell of the building, as we would do with the skin of a living organism.

The interior lighting design of the Stoa with the central and side corridors, was also a challenge and an invitation to the new, as it dictated us to support the old architectural rhythm with the lighting but with modern fixtures. In addition to our aesthetic and emotional approach, we wanted and designed a functional lighting, both during the day and at night!

The main intention of the lighting is to serve the new uses that will be included, respecting the style and character of the building and emphasizing the following process.

More specifically, for the lighting design of the interior we emphasized in strict symmetry and linear repetition. There are 2 more elements that are enhanced by the correct use (choice of type and positions) of hanging and wall-mounted lighting fixtures. The purpose of the lighting was to welcome the visitors inside and create an atmospheric interior for them to be.

At the back of our minds, we wanted a lighting that would bring the whole neighborhood to life, bringing it back to another era that would make it commercial and creative in the mornings, safe and romantic in the evenings!

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