An efficient, convenient and flexible office lighting system that can be easily adapted by the user was developed for the office DLZ in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. The lighting concept needed to integrate well into the strong design aesthetic defined by the architects, and dynamically adjust the lighting level of each area depending on user requirements and the amount of natural light coming from outside.


Acoustic Ceiling:
The very low 40mm clearance height between the under construction and the underside of the acoustic baffles meant that there had to be developed a complete custom 24V lighting system to prevent the linear lights from sticking out under the baffles and maintain the very clean aesthetic.
In turn, the linear lights were only allowed to be 18mm in height which created a technical challenge to obtain a uniform glow from the luminaire, a low UGR value, and enough power to provide a uniform ground light for the workstations.

Likewise, the miniature spot lights, are dimensioned to provide exactly the correct amount of light for one workstation, making the system very flexible for the user and energy efficient. Normally spotlights are not used in an office environment due to the excessive glare they can cause, but these were specifically designed to have a very low glare rating of UGR 16. Making them comfortable to work under all day long.

Emergency Lighting:
In addition, the architects wanted to prevent as much ceiling clutter as possible, so the emergency lighting was integrated into smaller sections of the linear lighting elements. Because the emergency lighting uses a central battery, this required some careful calculations to balance the limited available power with the required emergency lighting standards.


The design approach started easily with a modular, magnetic lighting system for the interior, using a fixed grid and special linear office luminaires. This later developed into the custom modular lighting system after the construction of the acoustic ceiling became more defined and incompatible with most off the shelf systems.

The combination of a fixed grid system and many smaller luminaires required careful design management to maintain functionality but prevent excessive costs building up. For this reason, the lighting design was constantly being optimized.

Every change of the lighting design and architectural design was tested to ensure all parameters for lighting level, uniformity and glare rating were constantly being met.

The construction of a full-scale test room made sure that there would be no unforeseen problems with the construction and allowed us to develop mounting details that worked well.

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