Dadman office building is located on Dadman Boulevard in district 2 of Tehran.
In Dadman office project, an attempt has been made to match the overall design with the main theme of the project, and the harmony as well as solidarity of elements is evident all throughout the facade. The entire facade made up of two shells, the material of which in the inner shell is glass and the outer shell is made of moulded concrete with “flame Pattern”. Also, the colour combination of the facade is considered to be homogeneous with the urban area, therefore, because of the flame motifs on the outer shell, during sunny days, the cast shadows made by these patterns, bring a beautiful effect to the interior spaces of the building.


The motifs on the outer shell are adopted from fire flames, which somehow implies the concept of growth and life movement. One of the major challenges within this project was the severe budget constraints, and due to the unique design of the outer shell, the client insisted that this part of the facade should be looking outstandingly beautiful, especially at nights. Considering the display limitations for the outer shell at night, after a lot of trial and error as well as considering mock-ups, the best plan for illuminating this shell at nights was obtained in the most beautiful way.

In order to illuminate the outer shell, RGBW-Point Light sources were located on the floor just below the base of flame motifs to shed light with controllable gleams in order to decorate the inner sides of motifs with light.

Considering abstract and non-modular shapes of flame motifs all over the facade shell, the supply of power and data light for the entire surface, as well as the setting the light designs for them, was quite a big challenge.

All these lights are set in a serial circuit and managed by a central controller.

In the end, when the lighting layouts were prepared and got every light source in control, a number of graphic arrangements were set out for the facade, and carried out properly. Then the most attractive ones were picked to be applied on the facade in order to exhibit the best of architectural forms in the most beautiful way possible.

Various arrangements were designed in order to simulate the glow of fire in the best possible way, and to demonstrate the gentle monochrome wave motions. The result turned out a very beautiful job.

The edges of solid surfaces of shells were indirectly casted by 3000K CCT Linear Light Sources to display their inner sides in 3D manner, and their warm light that matches the colour of shell in daylight has an allurement effect on observer perception.

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