The lighting design for this new workspace was based upon seven themes and goals, as follows:

1. Pushing boundaries of what workspace lighting can be
Designed in lockdown – the lighting concept focuses on providing a flexible lighting system to suit varying needs and uses of a workspace. The atmosphere is designed to be ‘cosy, relaxed and clubby’, an attractive and effective workplace doesn’t require 500lx on the task plane at all times in all locations.

2. People-centric lighting control
The space required flexibility for multiple users and conditions, from everyday use, to conferences and corporate events. The Casambi system places the power in the hands of users to adapt the space to their needs easily and effectively via smartphone app, and then return to everyday settings, or a different use in an instant for the next user.

3. Sustainability and embodied-carbon reduction
Our team eliminated materials and their associated embodied carbon normally inherent in a traditional central battery system or wired DALI system, including cabling and containment. The Casambi Tridonic Wireless emergency system, enabled the use of a single wireless control system – before now – it has not been possible to integrate the emergency lighting in a wireless architecture lighting control system. Coupled with lower illuminance levels than traditionally employed, it also achieves a reduction in operational carbon by lowering the energy demand.

4. Empowering ownership
The site owner and users can adapt lighting scenes and settings, when required without the need and cost associated with calling out commissioning engineers. Permissions can also be granted to tenants – Lantana have the power to set lighting to suit their needs.

5. Future proofing
The lighting control system enables lighting to be networked and commissioned easily following a change in the architectural layout or partitioning of the space without the need for specialist engineers.

6. Architectural integration
The lighting system has a clean and uncomplicated design, the Casambi Control + Tridonic emergency system minimised physical equipment and power containment keeping ceilings clear with a rational and simple containment design.

7. Designed in Future flexibility
The Casambi system can be adapted to IOT requirements, and for common areas throughout uses a universal track lighting system to enable future aesthetic and layout changes.

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