A warm and intimate environment where the use of gentle layers of light has created a sanctuary of sophistication. It’s a cavalier breakaway from the everyday when it comes to illumination for retail and fashion lighting design.

The illumination champions clothing in its natural habitat. Taking cues from showcasing fashion on the runway, where garments best do their thing. It was critical to best represent the materials in the garments, after all they are the stars of the show. We called on luminaires in ultra-small and ultra-warm and took the unusual step in a retail setting of using a high CRI HD framing projector (customised with photographic lenses). This offered precise framing, vividness and a dramatic touch of theatre. We complemented this with a showstopping selection of decorative luminaires.

When strategizing, we treated each area as its own project in isolation, with different ideas, however they had to also feel harmonious, complementary and work together. The details didn’t just end at the illumination output. In the visual merchandising displays mounting details were concealed and discreet, a highly nuanced process but one that was possible by working hand-in-hand with contractors.

The lighting design was a lesson in harnessing the mood-altering glow of warm illumination to enhance the luxurious and climatic feel of a space, and the product on display.

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Lighting Designer Partners

Trophies created by

Street Food Sponsor

Popcorn Sponsor

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